2nd Lieutenant Skylar Tryon

Name Skylar Tryon

Position Marine

Rank 2nd Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 100 lbs.
Hair Color Blue
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, skinny,


Spouse Alex Tryon
Children Alexis Tryon (daughter)

Alexander Tryon (son)
Father Sherman Logan
Mother Amelia Logan
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview While she was growing up as the only child, she grew up with having so many friends in her childhood, she finally got into the academy of Starfleet. She didn't want to go to school so she did all online homeschooling before the academy. Knowing the fact that she did good in the academy and she was top of her class. She knew that she'd make her parents happy and proud of her so she did her job at the academy, she then also thought that she did her major of doing marine training and she thought of being a good commanding officer for the marines.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her strengths is that she wanted to have some good black coffee to drink when she doesn't have coffee, she'll have earl grey tea. She loves hanging with people and she's happy to do it.

Her weaknesses is that she doesn't like people who are being rude to her and people who is rude to her friends.
Ambitions Her ambitions are to be there for people when needed and is willing to do something nice and fun like going to the holodeck and willing to do a lot of training simulations and going to the mess hall to read books.

Knowing her, she knew that the fact that getting to know other people and stayed with the ship and had new friends.
Hobbies & Interests Her hobbies is to go to the holo-deck and hanging in the mess hall.

Her favorite things to do is reading.

Personal History She has some issues. She has depression and anxiety but she knows how to control it very well cause she doesn't allow it to affect you. She knows how to sense feelings and emotions as a telepathic and the fact that she knows what is going on. Although, with her being so worried about her friends she doesn't know what to do and have fun with them but when they don't, she'd be scared and worried.
Service Record Academy 4 years and didn't stop. She went and did 4 years in the academy and went to training for the Marines.