Welcome to the USS Albion!

Welcome to the USS Albion (NCC-3020), a Star Trek role play-by-post/email sim set in the TNG/DSN/VOY era. The Albion is a Galaxy-class starship with a mission of deep space exploration. We like to push the boundaries of our imaginations and delve into areas & ideas that haven't yet been traveled.

This game continues the simming tradition of Independence Fleet's historical USS Avalon. Please see the Sim tab for more information as the Albion is somewhat of an acquired taste.

Otherwise, we would love to have you Join our Adventure!

Sim Content Rating:
RPG Rating 2 1 2
This closely corresponds to PG-13 from film ratings.

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The USS Albion is a proud member of Independence Fleet

IDF's 20th Anniversary Message IDF's 20th Anniversary Almanac

Latest News Items

» Today is Independence Fleet's 23rd Anniversary

Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 4:59pm by Captain Dick Sprague in General News

Congratulations to all fleet members today!

Happy 23rd Anniversary, Independence Fleet

2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

-Capt. Sprague

» New Crewmember

Posted on Wed Apr 10th, 2024 @ 7:01pm by Captain Dick Sprague in General News

Please help me welcome our new Ops Officer, Lt (jg) Leo Pendragon. For story purposes, we'll assume that he was onboard since the beginning of the mission.

-Capt. Sprague

» Crew Changes

Posted on Wed Aug 30th, 2023 @ 6:48pm by Captain Dick Sprague in General News


Please welcome two new crewmembers:

Lieutenant JG Aevum Divus, our new Counselor

Lieutenant JG J.B. Dersch, our new Chief Operations Officer (his character of Master Chief Petty Officer Chris Townsend is hereby retired)

-Capt. Spargue

» Promotion Time

Posted on Wed May 31st, 2023 @ 2:58pm by Captain Dick Sprague in General News


Just in time for our new mission, Lt. jg. Mack is hereby promoted to full Lieutenant.

-Capt. Sprague

» Another Promotion

Posted on Mon May 29th, 2023 @ 2:45am by Captain Dick Sprague in General News


Lt. Cmdr. Don Key is hereby promoted to full Commander.

-Capt. Sprague

Latest Mission Posts

» Another

Mission: A Fondness For
Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 10:40pm by Captain Dick Sprague


{USS Albion, Sprague's Quarters}

'Star Fleet Academy 14' begins to play...


Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020

» the ship keep changing directions?

Mission: A Fondness For
Posted on Mon Apr 29th, 2024 @ 6:17pm by Captain Emily Janeway


::Janeway entered the bridge from turbolift She sees fake Key At the helm control station::

Janeway:: walks over to officer on duty who is still sitting in the command chair.

Janeway :: hands over Padds to the person who is on duty tas the captain of the ship::


» Part VI

Mission: A Fondness For
Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2024 @ 1:24am by Captain Dick Sprague


{USS Albion, Bridge}

Fake Sprague: ::with commanding authority:: "Helm, alter course to 271 mark 179."

Fake Key: ::with utmost competence:: "Altering course to 271 mark 179."

{USS Albion, Sprague's Quarters}

End credits for 'Star Fleet Academy 5' begin to roll on the big screen.

Real Sprague: ::taking…

» A change in direction

Mission: A Fondness For
Posted on Thu Apr 11th, 2024 @ 11:05pm by Captain Dick Sprague


{USS Albion, Bridge}

Fake Sprague: ::exits the Ready Room and takes the center seat::

Fake Key: ::enters the bridge and takes the helm::

Fake Sprague: ::with commanding authority:: "Helm, alter course to 271 mark 179."

Fake Key: ::with utmost competence:: "Altering course to 271 mark 179."


» Double Trouble

Mission: A Fondness For
Posted on Wed Apr 10th, 2024 @ 6:59pm by Captain Dick Sprague


{USS Albion, Sprague's Quarters}

Sprague and Key: ::finishing their 4th round of Coca-colas (not Diet) and chocolate sundaes::

{USS Albion, Bridge}

Fake Sprague: ::exits the Ready Room and takes the center seat::

Fake Key: ::enters the bridge and takes the helm::


Uh oh.

Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer…

Latest Personal Logs

» Holodeck dreams

Posted on Tue Mar 12th, 2024 @ 11:44pm by Captain Emily Janeway

the Holodeck simulation, the Janeway family's farmhouse was next to an old horse barn. The barn recreated the sounds of horses and the agricultural landscape in the evening.

As Emily approached the farmstead on a lovely evening, she noticed two men walking towards her from a distance. These men were…

» Faces of her own past

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 10:58pm by Captain Emily Janeway

Janeway was just laying there in the hospital bed in critical condition & comatose state after suffering from the illness of being poisoned during her stay at the hotel Shortly afterward her teammates and herself had spent time together for several hours before her return to her hotel room before…

» Having some time to myself

Posted on Tue Jul 11th, 2023 @ 8:20pm by Captain Emily Janeway

Uss.Albinon crew mass hall / bar lounge

:: Janeway walks into the room with her tactical gear equipment rucksack strapped to her back while she is wearing her duty combat armored protection body suit and the full combat weapon utility strap to her midsection as well as the main standard…

» An empty house

Posted on Thu Jun 1st, 2023 @ 12:33pm by Captain Dick Sprague

Captain's log. With our forward phaser array mostly rebuilt, we're almost home. Yet I feel uneasy and I wonder why. Perhaps it's the emptiness of this vessel. Most of our trainee crew has been reassigned, along with the Hydra Gammatian recruits now at Star Fleet Academy. Indeed, Ensign Score is…

» Hey Macarena

Posted on Mon May 29th, 2023 @ 2:47am by Captain Dick Sprague

Captain's log... [lyrics removed due to legal reasons] Hey Macarena!