Lieutenant JG Aevum Divus

Name Aevum Omnis Divus

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Denobulan
Age 222

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color blue grey
Physical Description A slightly portly and round figure with a quiet and happy demeanour.


Spouse Ferella Divus
Children Zephat Divus
Father Pollax
Mother Gulla Pollax

Personality & Traits

General Overview Obsessed with how people work and how he can make them tick, almost as obsessed with food as he is with making a difference in the minds of his patience.
Strengths & Weaknesses He loves to eat and to watch, his biggest weakness is his laziness and attention span.
Ambitions One day he would like to become a fit and healthy specimen again and hike the 15 peaks and head up his own practice applying his more eccentric ideas of psycho hallucinogenic therapies. If only he could be bothered to make a start....
Hobbies & Interests Reading, people watching and any dramatic holo show or deep reality dramas.
induced hallucinations and lucid dreaming.

Personal History The only child of a moderately famous artist and sculpture pair, he was spoiled and lazy and loved taking every indulgence, he shunned any work that didnt spark his interest. However one eternal interest he has had is that of people and the workings of their minds.

Upon a visit to Earth he developed a particular fascination in humans and their psychology in particular.

It became an obsession, his family had only ever seen such gusto in his approach to food and sleeping and fully supported him in his studies, into Starfleet and into marrying his wife who was famous on their home planet for her advanced therapeutic practices with Denobulan couples and also famously, until they met, single.
Service Record - Joined Starfleet Academy 2260 and entered the fleet counselling service.
- Posted to Starbase 1 where he served for 80 years before transferring to Starfleet medical to begin a multi decade research project.
- During the Dominion War he had himself transferred to as many operational fronts as possible to really apply his practice where , in his view it would be most needed.
- Transferred to Vulcan
- Transferred to USS Albion