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And we're back

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 2:48pm by Captain Dick Sprague

Mission: The Assessment
Location: USS Albion
Timeline: Current


Great posting, keep it up!


{USS Albion, Shuttle Bay 1}

Cromwell: ::exiting the recently returned shuttle, along with Sprague, Andrews, and Strong:: "32 out of 100 for that exercise."

Sprague: "What?!? That's it??"

Cromwell: "It would have been 100 out of 100 if you had listened to your Executive Officer and Flight Control Officer."

Sprague: ::confused, turns to Andrews:: "I did the theft part right, right?"

Andrews: "I said 'left,' Captain."

Sprague: ::turns to Strong:: "Phaser cruiser?"

Strong: "'Evasive maneuvers,' sir."

Sprague: "Oh."

Genno: ::approaches and hands Sprague a damage report form when he fired the shuttle's phasers at the Albion::

Sprague: ::looks back into the shuttle to see the equipment he damaged in emergency transport::

{Unknown location}

Unknown individual: ::sitting at a chair, petting a cat, while watching a computer screen showing Sprague and the others:: "Excellent."


Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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