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And Now The Conclusion

Posted on Sat Apr 29th, 2023 @ 11:27pm by Captain Dick Sprague
Edited on on Sun Apr 30th, 2023 @ 10:23pm

Mission: The Assessment
Location: USS Albion
Timeline: Current


It seems that Ensign Strong has quit the sim. And now's as good a time as any to wrap up this mission...


{USS Albion, Bridge}

Hadden: "Now orbiting Viridian IV."

Sprague: ::gets nervous knowing he has no idea where the equipment is that they're supposed to deliver to the planet:: "Uh, cool!" ::darts out of the bridge::

{USS Albion, Turbolift}

Sprague: ::breaking into a cold sweat::

Mack: =/\=Captain Sprague emergency transport to cargo bay 1.=/\=

Sprague: "Wait, wha--" ::de-materializes::

{USS Albion, Cargo Bay 1}

Sprague: ::re-materializes::

Changeling: ::trapped in forcefield, sees Sprague, quickly turns into Ensign Strong::

Mack and Janeway: ::holding phaser rifles::

Cromwell: ::taking notes on his PADD::

Mack: "It was our new 'Ensign Strong' all along. Actually a changeling, part of the Dominion on a secret mission to de-stabilize the Federation in this sector. There never was any 'Ensign Strong.'"

Janeway: "And the equipment we're to deliver is all right here, safe and sound." ::motions to the giant pile of stuff::

Changeling (as Strong): "Captain Sprague, it's all lies!"

Sprague: ::clearly confused:: "What do I do?!?"

Changeling (as Strong): "Sprague, I mean... Dick... I thought we had a connection? That visit to my quarters, I hope it meant something to you as it did to me."

Cromwell: ::furiously writing notes::

Mack: "Here's the proof." ::hands Sprague a PADD::

PADD video:
Unknown individual: ::sitting at a chair, petting a cat, while watching a computer screen showing Sprague struggle through his assessment:: "Excellent." ::transforms into Strong and walks away::

{USS Albion, Bridge}

One day later...

Genno: "Captain, the changeling has been turned over the Klingon Empire. It seems she was convicted of multiple crimes there in absentia, and our new treaty with the Empire includes an extradition clause for these types of cases."

Sprague: "Oh."

Andrews: "And the equipment was successfully delivery to Veridian."

Sprague: "Oh."

Cromwell: "And that leaves just one loose end."

Sprague: "Oh." ::sighs::

Cromwell: ::reading from his PADD:: "Plus 1,000 points for capturing a known terrorist. That brings your grand total to... Let me see, add the 1, carry over the eight..."

Everyone: ::holding their breath::

Cromwell: "You passed... by three points."

Sprague: ::faints and slumps out of his chair::

Florian: "Captain Sprague!"

{USS Albion, Bridge}

One day later...

Cromwell: "I'll see you in two years, Captain Sprague."

Sprague: "I'll certainly be looking forward to that, Captain Cromwell."

Cromwell: ::de-materializes::


All done, great job everyone!

Believe it or not, our next mission will start tomorrow!

Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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