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Romulan Again

Posted on Fri May 19th, 2023 @ 6:26pm by Ensign Kate Score

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: Outside Lt.JG Macks Quarters
Timeline: Current

{USS Albion, corridor outside of Mack's quarters}

Score: ::still standing there::

Von Haeften: ::finally finds his quarters:: "Excuse me."

Score: "Shhh, I'm on a stakeout."

Von Haeften: "You're blocking my door."

Score: "Oh sorry." ::moves out of the way, but almost trips because she can't see through the visor::

Key: ::around the corner:: "Did someone say steak???"

Score::Turns to see Key::"Yea Like you need steak"::Went back to leaning up on the wall::

Key::Looks to Kate::"F*** You Too then"::Walks away::

Kate::Picks up a Transmission leaving the Room Being sent to A location Score Knew All To Well::"Crap, Ensign Score to Secuirty, Lt.JG Mack Quarters Now, Phasers Set to Stun, And Bring me one to"

Secuirty "Copy Entroute"

Ensign Kate Score
U.S.S Albion NCC-3020


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