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Saturday Morning Fever

Posted on Sat May 27th, 2023 @ 1:31pm by Commander Donald ‘Don’ Key

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: Sickbay, USS Albion
Timeline: Present



Mack: ::sitting up, still holding his head:: "The last thing I remember is..."



::Everyone turns towards Key, who somehow has a hotdog in his hands::

Mack: “… uh, yes?”

Key: “We never had a welcome aboard party for me! We need to have a party!”

Sprague: “Yes! A party! Will there be snacks?”

Key: “Yes, plenty!”

Sprage: ::Claps his hands together in giddy delight::

Key: “When should we have the party?”

Janeway: “How about right now?”

Sprague: “Excellent suggestion. Computer, disco lights! Music! FOOD!”

::Lights dim and colourful lights start shimmering around sickbay. A mirror ball also appears out of nowhere. And “Hey Macarena” starts playing loudly::

Key: “Wooohooo!”

::Within moments yeomen arrive with platter after platter of food and drink::

Key: ::Starts eating and dancing to the Macarena:: “I love this ship!”


Lieutenant Don Key
Flight Control Officer
USS Albion


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