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just curious

Posted on Wed May 3rd, 2023 @ 3:40am by Lieutenant Julius Mack

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: mack's quarters

this is the busiest Mack has been since not having done anything


=^="mack to hadden. can you meet me at my quarters?" =^=

=^="mack to commander andrews. would it be out of line for me to ask who ordered or requested the transfers that the captain mentioned?"=^=

=^="mack to grexx. please scan the transporter coordinates for tissue remains of mister tryon. I need to know if there was actually a transport into space vacuum, ASAP. Also please notify captain janeway of your findings. I believe she is with the away team and may be in immediate danger." =^=

mack::also begins a scan using his own in-quarters equipment, connected to ship's sensor array::



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