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mack and hadden have a talk

Posted on Sat May 6th, 2023 @ 11:28pm by Lieutenant Julius Mack

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: mack's quarters


=^="mack to lieutenant hadden. when you have about a half hour to spare, can you meet me at 9 bravo, conference room?"=^=

hadden::(knows fully well that there is no such place. mack means to meet him at his quarters, since there is no conference room in deck 9
section bravo. it is instead composed of non-standard quarters assignments, and not typically traveled by those not specifically assigned there)::
=^="hadden here. request acknowledged. ETA 30 minutes, at conference center, nine-bravo."=^=


about forty five minutes later


hadden::chimes mack's quarters door::

mack:: come in. ::

hadden ::looks briefly both ways down the hall, noting no one appearing to be in the hall, enters and hits the door-close sensor immediately.::
" what's up mack?"

mack::hands hadden a PADD with some apparent enhancements.:: "this might take longer than a half hour, but you would want to read what I
have accumulated here."

hadden::reads mack's version of the private ready-room conversation between himself, andrews, and sprague. As she reads, her face indicates
increasing concern and sometimes visibly winces. After a few minutes, she stops reading.::"Mack, you are taking a lot of political risks here. Are
you sure of what you're doing?"

mack:"I hoped you would ask me that. Yeah, I have some more circumstantial evidence to support my theories. I would like your candid and
completely off-the-record opinions about what I'm going to tell you."::he motions to some more comfortable furnishings in another anteroom.::"you might as well get comfortable. Computer, send the replicator a diet-cherry-coke order, in glass, no ice, twenty celsius, half-CO2 suspension, and a crystalline decorative straw. Have my service robot deliver it to my quarters immediately and observe all appropriate security procedures."

hadden::smiling demurely::"how sweet of you to remember, Mack."

mack::"well, I'm nothing if not a detail kind of guy."

Computer:"request acknowledged. would you like a slice of lemon?"

Hadden:"computer. yes, please."



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