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The grim discovery of the dead comrade

Posted on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 8:06pm by Captain Emily Janeway

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: {Hydra Gamma II, open field}



Janeway& Nabatrati: starring the packaging up all of the Starfleet weapons and other items from the team training program, including wearable personal bodysuit-designed armor that Starfleet Marines tailored to their own specifications and body built for combat missions and close combat operations, Janeway has discovered what appears to be a human fragments bodily fluids, that must’ve came off her own fallen comrade during the transportation of the planet surface includes also her missing comrades dog tag ID and badge. Janeway =/\= marine away team to home base =/\well now I know what happened to the point where I have lost their missing squad mate squad made during the transporting from the ship to the planet site and the aftermath of transporting from the ship to the planet side what end up human remains that has been shredded too many pieces of evidence of body fluids, leftover decaying flesh.
leftover decomposing flesh on all remained attached to all the equipment on the planet that was assigned for the training
attached to all the equipment on the planet that was assigned for the training.


Emily Jones Janeway Comanding officer Marine Detachment


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