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Double Salesman

Posted on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 8:43pm by Captain Dick Sprague

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{Hydra Gamma II, forest}

Test tube: ::turns red and explodes::

Varley and Glass: ::knocked to the ground, injured and unconscious::

{USS Albion, conference room}

Main viewer: ::photos of Sprague, Andrews, Gage, Brad James, Voomy, and a dozen or so other people are scattered about the screen with lines drawn connecting some of them together::

Mack: "I'll figure this conspiracy out or else."

{Hydra Gamma II, forest}

Varley: ::briefly regains consciousness:: "Mack..." ::reaches his hand into the air:: "please help--" ::dies::

Glass: ::doesn't regain consciousness, but also dies::


Varley and Glass are out of the sim! :(

Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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