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Quick Recap for those following at home

Posted on Sun May 14th, 2023 @ 2:26pm by Captain Dick Sprague

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: USS Albion, Bridge
Timeline: Current


A quick recap of where we in-story is below. Here's where we began.

The Albion arrived at Hydra Gamma II to study a new chemical compound on the planet that works wonders as a drug for many humanoid ailments. The Klingons also have a claim on the area and sent three Birds of Prey to essentially conduct the same mission the Albion is there for--whoever finishes first gets the claim. Note: It is very rude in Hydra Gammatian culture to speak to anyone directly. NPCs for the mission are:

Captain Gage: head of the Federation's project in the sector
Brad James: marketing professional with a specialization in naming new drugs
Voomy: Hydra Gammatian guide and interpreter for the Federation

A science team of Mack, Varley, and Glass were assigned to go to the planet to discover how the chemical compound is created. However, Mack never went down to the planet and is conducting his own self-initiated investigation, while Varley and Glass died on the planet when one of their test tubes exploded.

A medical team of Spivick and Grexx were assigned to discover how the chemical compound works on humanoid bodies. However, Spivick was transferred to a new ship and left the Albion in the middle of the experiments. Unrelated, Hadden was also assigned to a new ship.

A training team of Janeway, Nabarati, and Tryon were assigned to go to the planet to train new Hydra Gammatian recruits for Star Fleet Academy. However, Tryon insisted on operating the transporter controls herself, which led to her transporting herself into space, which subsequently caused her death. After multiple escalating attempts between Janeway & Nabarati and the opposing Klingon trainers to impress the Hydra Gammatians with more powerful weaponry, Janeway and Nabarati eventually beamed down the Albion's shipboard forward phaser array, which was then stolen by the Klingons.

Voomy took a shuttle craft from the Albion to go back to the planet after Sprague gave him the wrong directions to the Transporter Room. However, Voomy doesn't know how to pilot the craft and is about to burn up in the atmosphere.

New crewmembers Townsend, Zh'raallir, Von Haeften, and Key reported onboard. Sprague keeps ignoring Townsend, but seems to have really hit it off with Key over their love of jokes and desserts. Sprague and Key are in the Captain's Ready Room eating sundaes.

Andrews, Genno, and Florian are on the Albion Bridge. Florian discovered that despite Gage's claims of brilliance, Brad James has actually failed to have a hit drug name in years. Anders is somewhere else.


{USS Albion, Bridge}

Townsend: ::notices the flashing lights at the stations vacated by Hadden and Key:: "Commander, we've launched a shuttle craft... and our forward phaser array is missing!"

Andrews: "What?!?"

=^="mack to master chief townsend. Chief, can you confirm that one of our shuttles is missing and if the apparently lost
shuttle and occupant were originally aboard Abion? Feel free to respond on text-only channel."=^=

Townsend: ::annoyed:: "Thank you, Lieutenant." ::taps comm badge to close the channel::

Florian: ::presses a few buttons to bring the shuttle up on the screen:: "The craft is entering the planet's atmosphere, at too steep of an entry point... she'll burn up!"

Andrews: "Albion to shuttle craft, Albion to shuttle craft."

Voomy: =/\=Helloooooooo.=/\=

Andrews: "Voomy!?!"

Voomy: =/\=Helloooooooo.=/\=

Andrews: "Voomy, I need you to do exactly as I say... Press the big green button in front of you right now."

Voomy: =/\=Helloooooooo.=/\=

Genno: "No change in the shuttle craft's trajectory."

Andrews: "Voomy, if you don't follow my instructions, you will die!"

Voomy: =/\=Helloooooooo.=/\=

Genno: "Still no change in trajectory."

Andrews: ::remembers that you can't address Hydra Gammatians directly::

Sprague and Key: ::loud laughing coming through the Ready Room door::


Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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