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mack asks more questions

Posted on Sun May 14th, 2023 @ 2:08am by Lieutenant Julius Mack

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: bridge, science station


mack: =^="mack to captains sprague and janeway. I need to know who issued the orders for an away-team of three without
a leader. I certainly did not, and was not even notified that I was supposed to lead it. Apparently the teams were
undertaking chemical tests with dangerous substances which did not remotely produce useful results anyway. I would
say we have a serious problem with chain of command here, and no further away teams should be dispatched until this
issue is resolved. If nobody issued those orders from legitimate authority, we also have a very serious security breach."
Meanwhile I am deploying some security and communication devices to the away team coordinates, to protect the
personnel and also aid in more reliable communication with the ship."=^=

=^="mack to hadden. this might not be the most diplomatic approach, but I need to know of you initiated your transfer or
someone else did. Please respond if you are still within communication range."=^=

=^="mack to master chief townsend. Chief, can you confirm that one of our shuttles is missing and if the apparently lost
shuttle and occupant were originally aboard Abion? Feel free to respond on text-only channel."=^=



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