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Treason And Death

Posted on Mon May 22nd, 2023 @ 1:09pm by Ensign Kate Score & Master Chief Petty Officer Chris Townsend

Mission: Naming Conventions
Location: USS Albion, corridor outside of Mack's quarters
Timeline: Current

Kate::Picks up a Transmission leaving the Room Being sent to A location Score Knew All To Well::"Crap, Ensign Score to Secuirty, Lt.JG Mack Quarters Now, Phasers Set to Stun, And Bring me one to"

Secuirty "Copy En Route"

Score: ::bright purple uniform lights up the hallway::

Security team: ::arrives::

Von Haeften: ::exits his quarters:: "Oh, am I missing something?"

{USS Albion, corridor outside of Mack's quarters}

Score::Looks to Mr.Haeften::"Sir please get back inside you quarters" ::Turns to Security Team:: "You guys be ready, We are taking Mr. Mack in custody under the chrages of Treason."

Von Haeften::Walks back in to his Room:: "Man I never get to watch the fun stuff!"

Secuirty::Nodded:: "Yes Mam"

Townsend::Walks down the hall to see the Mass Of Security Officers:: "What did Mr. Mack do now?"

Score::Stands Attention and thinks?Man hes Hot from a Woman's Point of view:: "Sir, Hes accused of Treason"

Townsend::Grabs a Phaser Pistol from One of Security Guards::"Let me help, No one is a Traitor on my Watch"

Mack's quarters: ::loud noises::

Everyone::Rushes into the Room and finds Mack on the floor with his head bashed in::

Townsend::Kneels down and checks his pulse:: "We need to get the Captain"

Ensign Kate Score-Infiltration Specialist
Master Chief Petty Officer Chris Townsend-Chief Of Boat
U.S.S Albion NCC-2030


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