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Disable that Shuttle

Posted on Sat Feb 20th, 2021 @ 11:17pm by Commander Jackson Andrews
Edited on on Sun Feb 21st, 2021 @ 12:55am

Mission: Nebulous
Location: USS Albion, Bridge
Timeline: Current


Andrews: ::watches three torpedoes fire straight at the Albion's viewscreen:: "Son of a-" ::torpedo one and two impact the saucer section:: "Shields up!" ::torpedo three impacts the neck:: "Report!"

Genno: "Structural Integrity at 80%, shields at 90%, 3 crew members injured, not severely."

Andrews: "I hate to say this, but fire a photon torpedo on the shuttle, to disable, then we can confront the Captain" ::sighs::

Genno: "Target locked sir"

Andrews: "Fire" ::watches the viewscreen as the torpedo fires on Sprague's shuttle::

Genno: "The shuttle has been disabled sir, your orders?"

Andrews: "Lieutenant please lock onto the shuttle with a tractor beam"

Genno: "Locking on tractor beam now sir"

Andrews: "Beam him to holodeck one, and preload a shuttle program"

Ops Officer: "Aye sir" ::taps at his console to beam the Captain into the holodeck:: "The Captain is in the holodeck sir"

Andrews: "Acknowledged" ::looks at ops officer:: "please have Doctor Spivick meet me at holodeck one"

Ops Officer: "Aye sir"

Andrews: :: faces Lieutenant Genno:: "You have the bridge Lieutenant"


Will Captain Sprague notice? tbc...

Commander Jackson Andrews
Executive Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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