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Posted on Tue Feb 23rd, 2021 @ 7:45pm by Lieutenant Sheeraashaa Genno

Mission: Nebulous
Location: U.S.S. Albion - Bridge
Timeline: Current

ON: {U.S.S. Albion - Bridge}

Genno: (Okay then, let's just take a look) ::She ran a few scans and diagnosis of the systems of the ship, and correlated the damage reports that had come in from the Captain's assault:: (everything checks out, I'm not sure what Ensign Mack is talking about, but I am getting over this two way communication over communication.) ::She opened up a comms channel:: "Genno to Mack"

Mack: =/\= Mack here, did you find the information I was talking about Lieutenant? =/\=

Genno: "I checked with the departments and the sensors. We were attacked by the shuttle. It was able to get off three torpedoes before we were able to beam the Captain into the holodeck. We have minor damage and injuries which are being dealt with. However at this time, I want you to report to the bridge, I don't see what good you are doing in sickbay."

Mack: =/\= Copy that Lieutenant, I am on my way. =/\= (Finally, I feel like I have been down here forever, for no good reason!)

Genno: "Any updates on what you're working on Hadden?"

Hadden: "I was able to coordinate with the shuttle bay, and was able to again decompress the main shuttle bay which blew out the shuttle. The computer was working on disarming the torpedoes. But we have not put ourselves at the safe distance away incase the detonate."

Genno: "What was the Captain thinking?" (Is he actually actively trying to get us killed? Or just confused?)

Hadden: "You'd have to ask him." (The sooner the better if you ask me.)

Genno: ::Opening up comms again:: "Genno to Andrews, have you gotten any answers from the Captain yet?"

Andrews: =/\=Not yet, I am just getting to the holodeck now... and he's not here.=/\= (What?)

Genno: "What?"

Hadden: (What?)


Lieutenant Sheeraashaa Genno
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Albion NCC-3020


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