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mack to hadden

Posted on Tue Feb 23rd, 2021 @ 7:51am by Lieutenant Julius Mack

Mission: Nebulous
Location: sick bay


=^="mack to lieutenant hadden. I am impressed that you found out part of the power drain. I have my doubts that all of it is coming from the bitcoin program.
suggestion: you might want to ask the XO what else he might have found in the shuttle bay prior to decompression. Also you might ask if he examined any
of the cargo bays." =^=

=^=mack to bridge. PLEASE someone release me from sick bay. There is nothing I can do here. I have not gotten a medical work-up and I gather the medical
crew is trying to get the captain out of his simulation-of-a-non-simulation. There are some other things I want to investigate outside of Sick Bay. I cannot do my
job from here but could do it from quarters adequately instrumented as I mentioned. These requests really have more to do with the
general condition of the ship than they do for my own particular convenience. =^=

=^=Mack to lieutenant Genno. Suggestion that you examine the holodeck to see if the captain might be in a sim-plex of one sim inside another. It appears that
he might be "seeing" something that we do not, and unaware that his shuttlecraft weapons were actually targeting Albion shields. Also might be useful to verify
that our shields actually DID in fact take torpedo hits, just to be sure that none of the reports are also from some sim program. We do need to know what is
real and what is not, even if the captain does not. We also need to do this carefully since if these sims were NOT created by Federation Command, they could
also include "blocks" to being deactivated, and other kinds of booby-traps. I am sure you can use your imagination. Mack Out. =^=



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