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Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2021 @ 11:04pm by Captain Dick Sprague
Edited on on Wed Feb 24th, 2021 @ 11:08pm

Mission: Nebulous
Location: USS Albion
Timeline: Current


{USS Albion, Corridor just outside of the Battle Bridge}

Computer: "Access denied."

Andrews: "Blast!"

Genno: =/\=Commander, time is up, the star drive section is lost ... you must come to the saucer section now!!=/\=

Andrews: (It's true.) ::taps comm badge and sighs:: =/\=You're right, Lieutenant. Thank you.=/\= ::jogs away::

Sprague: ::emerges from the other corner:: "Sprague Sundae Alpha One. Remove force field."

Computer: "Force field removed."

Sprague: ::enters battle bridge::

{USS Albion, Bridge}

Mack: ::enters:: "Could you use another hand, Lieutenant?"

Hadden: "Please man the evacuation station, Mr. Mack."

Genno: "Sporadic energy readings from the star drive."

32 seconds later...

Mack: "99% evacuated. Just missing Commander Andrews and Captain Sprague."

{USS Albion, Corridor}

Andrews: ::runs and rolls La Forge style under a lowering wall; taps comm badge:: =/\=That's it!=/\=

{USS Albion, Bridge}

Genno: "Beam Captain Sprague directly to the brig."

{USS Albion, Battle Bridge}

Computer: "10, 9, 8...."

Sprague's comm badge sitting in the command chair: ::de-materializes::

Computer: "7, 6, 5..."

Main viewer: ::saucer separates::

Computer: "4, 3, 2..."

Sprague: "Sprague Sundae Alpha One. Abort destruct sequence."

Computer: "Destruct sequence aborted."

Sprague: ::takes the helm::


It seems Captain Sprague is "in command" again...

Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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