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tractor beam

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2021 @ 6:51am by Lieutenant Julius Mack

Mission: Nebulous
Location: saucer section bridge


"I suggest we attempt to establish a tractor beam to keep the shuttle out of the nebulosity. It is possible it creates some kind of delusional
brain activity. unclear if this affects humans differently than other species. bio-signatures from com badges suggest that both spivik and andrews
are being affected and among those sense compromised is vision.

bridge concurrence?"

=^="mack to crews in stardrive cargo deck. you will not find the stasis pods in the deck area. I transported them to 10 forward, during the stardrive self-destruct sequence. Recommend instead
that you inspect the large container still in cargo bay 2 and report findings. Also please verify position of shuttle bay doors and any evidence of a local containment field. Mack Out.=^=



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