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Systems Reboot

Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2021 @ 1:56am by Commander Jackson Andrews

Mission: Nebulous
Location: USS Albion, Bridge
Timeline: Current


{Bridge, USS Albion}

Andrews: "Alright, we now know were the Captain is, however our situation isn't good. Lieutenant Genno, please track Captain Sprague's course heading." (Were is the Captain going?)

Genno: "Aye sir"

Andrews: =^=Commander Andrews to Engineering, can we try and stop the computer core from making us become sitting ducks?=^=

Engineering Officer: =^=We are tying everything we can, however, we are running out of options=^-

Andrews: =^=Try restarting the core before it gets too severely damaged, that might kick it in to working order=^=

Engineering Officer: =^=You sure sir, it might not work=^=

Andrews: =^=It might be our only shot, lets try it.=^=

Engineering Officer: =^=Aye sir, there could be a jolt of some kind, but not too much=^=

Andrews: =^=Proceed=^= ::Soon after Andrews gave that order, the jolt was rather excessive, throwing him out of the command chair:: "Report!" (Sheesh, talk about a rather large jolt)

Genno: "We won't know until we get the core online sir, however, I was able to find Captain Sprague's course heading before the core went offline"

Andrews: "Lets hear it"

Genno: "Unfortunately it was vague, however, it seems, well, it seems the Captain isn't going in a particular direction, it seems he's trying to get away from us."

Andrews: ::Gets up:: "He mentioned something about us being a "crooked holodeck operator. Anyways, we need to get our core back online, and then we can find Captain Sprague." ::He walked towards the jefferies tube just in case the turbolifts weren't working properly, and glanced to the Chief of Security:: "Lieutenant you have the Bridge, I'll be in Engineering" ::Exits the bridge::



Commander Jackson Andrews
Executive Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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