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Armed and Beeping

Posted on Mon Feb 22nd, 2021 @ 8:11pm by Lieutenant Moria Hadden

Mission: Nebulous
Location: USS Albion, Bridge
Timeline: Current


(USS Albion, Bridge - Edge of Altara Nebula in Pursuit of Capt.)

Andrews: :: faces Lieutenant Genno:: "You have the bridge Lieutenant"

Genno: "Indeed."

Hadden: "Transporter room confirms the recovery pilot is now aboard the shuttle."

Genno: "Captain's status?"

Hadden: :: Querying the computer. :: "Safely confined in holo deck one."

Pilot: =/\= Gibbs to Albion. =/\=

Genno: :: Standing in alarm. :: Lieutenant Genno here, go ahead.

Pilot: =/\= There's five torpedoes laying on the shuttle floor. :: Clears throat. :: Armed. :: Gulps. :: And beeping. =/\=

(USS Albion, en route to Holo Deck One.)

Andrews: (Literally. What is he thinking?

(USS Albion, Holo Deck One.)

Sprague: :: Feeling his hands along the orange and black cubed-webbing that lines holo deck one :: (Where's the damn door!).


Lieutenant Moria Hadden
Strategic Operations Officer
U.S.S. Albion NCC-3020


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