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Where to?

Posted on Mon Feb 22nd, 2021 @ 8:20pm by Captain Dick Sprague

Mission: Nebulous
Location: USS Albion
Timeline: Current


{USS Albion, Holodeck 1}

Sprague: ::feeling his hands along the orange and black cubed-webbing that lines holo deck one:: (Where's the darn door!)

Sprague: "I knew it! I knew it was a holodeck program all along." ::keeps searching for the door ... remembers the default security code he's used his entire career:: "Sprague Sundae Alpha One. Computer arch."

Computer arch ::appears::

Sprague: "Wow, these guys are good. They're good! They even know my security code from my Star Fleet days!" ::presses a button on the computer arch::

Door: ::appears::

Sprague: ::exits:: "A program within a program. They've really outdone themselves on this one."

A few minutes later...

Andrews: ::enters to find the room empty::


Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion NCC-3020


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