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mack to bridge lieutenants

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2021 @ 10:20pm by Lieutenant Julius Mack

Mission: Nebulous
Location: saucer section bridge


"sirs, I have some strong suggestions. In view of our findings, I believe we have good reason to doubt the fitness for command of the captain as well as commander andrews, and the fitness for any service
on the part of lieutenant commander spivak. I recommend the following: establish individual and independent containment fields around all three. secure those with locks that can only be released with all three of
us currently in command. once established, transport all three with holodeck simulations exactly duplicating the entire environment where they are now located, to the brig facility. Once in the brig, put all three in
lockdown until further notice. Notify Fleet that we have taken these measures. Lieutenant Genno should assume command, and Lieutenant Hadden as acting first officer. I will fully support them.

Once having done those things, you might consider informing the former commanders of their relieved status, but that gesture would be optional. in any case I will continue to closely monitor their biosigns and
behavior, such that we might eventually determine their fitness for duty.

Once completing those steps and ONLY after having done them, would I recommend re-uniting the ship's major units. We should avoid entering the nebula again since it is a POSSIBLE cause of our problems with
personnel but we do not know it to factually be the cause.

In any case, I recommend we abort this mission, since we still do not know what it was nor who ordered it, and head for whatever starbase we supposedly came from. If for no other reasons than to drop off our
inmates for complete medical workups. We cannot do that ourselves since we lack a reliable medical staff.

Awaiting your orders."

::returns to scanner station::


(I hope this gives Genno the gesture of support they would be needing at a moment like this. it is a very dicey command situation.)


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